So what exactly is Composite?

The Composite material used in decking and other garden products is a type of outdoor material that is engineered using a combination of recycled wood fibers and plastic. It is designed to mimic the look and feel of natural wood while providing enhanced durability and low maintenance.

The manufacturing process of composite decking involves several steps:

Raw Material Preparation: The process begins by collecting and preparing the raw materials. The wood fibers used in composite decking are often sourced from sawdust, reclaimed wood, or agricultural fibers. These materials are processed and ground into fine particles to create wood flour.

Polymer Resin Mixing: Polymer resin, typically made from recycled high-density polyethylene (HDPE) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC), is mixed with the wood flour in a specialized blending machine. The resin acts as a binder, holding the wood fibers together and providing strength and stability to the composite material.

Additives Incorporation: Various additives are introduced into the mixture to enhance the performance and characteristics of the composite decking. These additives may include UV stabilizers to protect against fading and degradation caused by sunlight, pigments to add color, and other chemical agents to improve resistance to moisture, mold, and insects.

Extrusion Process: The blended mixture is then heated and extruded through a die in the shape of decking boards. This extrusion process involves melting the resin and forcing it through the die to form continuous lengths of decking profiles with the desired shape, texture, and dimensions.

Cooling and Solidification: As the extruded composite profiles come out of the die, they are rapidly cooled using water or air to solidify and stabilize their shape. This cooling process ensures that the decking boards retain their desired form and structural integrity.

Surface Finishing: After the composite decking boards have cooled and solidified, they may undergo additional processes for surface finishing. This can include embossing or texturing to create the desired grain pattern or surface texture that resembles natural wood. The boards may also be cut to length and have grooves or channels added for hidden fastening systems.

The resulting composite decking boards are then packaged and ready for distribution and installation. The specific manufacturing process may vary depending on the manufacturer and the desired properties of the composite decking.

It's important to note that different brands may use different combinations of materials and production methods, resulting in variations in the quality and characteristics of the composite decking products available in the market.